This article covers the below Frequently Asked Questions regarding Custom Forms.
- Can I make a question mandatory depending on the patient's answer?
- Is there a template form I can use when creating a form?
- Is there a limit to how many questions I can list when creating a form?
- How do I know if I’ve sent a form to a patient already?
- What do the send statuses under 'Send form' mean?
- How do I know if a patient has submitted a form?
- Do these forms integrate into my Practice Management Software?
- Do these forms integrate into MedAdvisor?
- How does Healthengine store and protect patient data that is collected in a Custom patient form?
If you have any questions that are not covered in this article, please reach out to our Customer Support team through our Live Chat function via the 'Help' icon in Practice Admin.
Can I make a question mandatory depending on the patient's answer?
Yes, you can! There are two ways to do this, depending on the below factors:
- You want the follow-up question to be visible to the patient regardless of the answer, or
Let's say you create a question asking "Do you have any allergies?" with an answer type of Yes/No (Boolean), you can create a follow-up question "List all allergies" and make this question mandatory to complete if the patient 'Yes' to the allergies question by:
1. Click on the box for the "List all allergies" question.
2. Click on the 'Logic' section in the right-hand menu
3. Click on the wand icon in the right-hand side menu for the 'Required if' box.
4. Choose the 'Select' option and click on the initial question this question is a follow-up to.
5. Then you choose which patient answer is required for the follow-up question to be mandatory for the patient to complete.
6. Once you've made your choice, click 'Apply'.
7. "List all allergies" will now be a required question for the patient to complete if they answer 'Yes' to the 'Do you have any allergies?' question: you can confirm this by the {question2} = true text that's now appearing in the 'Required If' box
Don't forget to save your form changes!
For example, when you click 'Select' you would choose the 'Do you have any allergies?' question and choose the 'Yes' answer as you want the follow-up question of 'List all allergies' to be a required question for patients to complete if they have answered 'Yes' to the 'Do you have any allergies?' question -
You want the follow-up question to be hidden and only surface the question if the patient answers 'yes' or 'no'
The setup for this is the same as the above 1st option, with the only difference being that you are editing the 'Visible If' box on the right-hand side menu, as opposed to the 'Required If' box.
1. Click on the question you want to be the follow-up question.
2. Click on the 'Logic' section in the right-hand menu
3. Click on the magic wand icon next to the "Visible If" box in the right-hand side menu to get started.
4. Click 'Select' and choose the question you want this question to conditionally appear for: "Do you have any allergies?"
5. Select which answer you want this question to appear for; Click 'Yes' to only surface this question when a patient answers 'Yes' to the previous question.
6. Click 'Apply' once you're done
7. You can make this question mandatory for those who answer 'Yes' by toggling on the 'required' section within the "List all allergies" question box; located next to 'Duplicate'.
Don't forget to save your form changes!
Once this is done, these questions will appear to the patient as:
If the patient answers "Yes" to the "Do you have any allergies?" question, the "List all allergies" question will appear for them to answer.
If the patient answers "No" to the "Do you have any allergies?" question, the "List all allergies" question will not appear to the patient.
Is there a template form I can use when creating a form?
No, there currently aren’t any form templates but we are open to any suggestions!
If you have any form template suggestions, please email them to your Customer Success Manager along with the questions you’d like answered by patients within that form.
Is there a limit to how many questions I can list when creating a form?
No, there is no limit to how many questions you can add to a page of the patient form.
If you want the questions to be on different pages, you can just scroll down to ‘Page 2’, when editing the form, and click ‘Add question’ to create a page 2 of the form.
If page 2 is left blank, the patient will only see one page when completing the form.
How do I know if I’ve sent a form to a patient already?
You can see what forms have been sent for a patient booking by
- Go to the Bookings section on the left-hand side menu of Practice Admin
- Click on the relevant patient booking
- Click the 3-dots ‘...’ on the right-hand side of the booking details for that patient.
- Select ‘Send form’
- If a form has been sent for this patient, it will be listed here
What do the send statuses under 'Send form' mean?
The above image mentions the form send statuses of Queued for sending, Sent and Completed.
These statuses are defined as:
Queued for sending | This means the form is queuing to be sent to the patient; the form is usually sent to the patient within 15 minutes of the practice clicking 'send'. |
Sent | The form has been sent to the patient and is yet to be completed by the patient. |
Completed | The form has been completed and submitted by the patient; you'll find this submitted form under the 'Submitted forms' section of Forms > Custom forms in Practice Admin. |
All forms are sent to patients via email.
Please note that according to Healthengine security policies, forms submitted by patients are deleted 14 days after either the appointment date or the submission date, whichever is later. If you would like to keep the record, we recommend downloading them promptly.
How do I know if a patient has submitted a form?
There are three ways to know if a patient has submitted a patient form:
- We notify you of each submitted form through an email alert sent to the nominated email address listed in the Notifications section of your Practice Admin portal
- All submitted forms are located in the Submitted forms section of Practice Admin -> Forms -> Custom forms -> Submitted forms
- Via the 'Forms' tab located within the patient's relevant appointment details in the Bookings tab of Practice Admin
If you no longer wish to receive email alerts of submitted forms, you can toggle this alert off by editing the relevant practice email address in the Notifications section of your Practice Admin and toggling off the alert "a patient has submitted a custom form" - you can always toggle it back on at a later date if you change your mind.
Do these forms integrate into my Practice Management Software?
For patients whom you've sent a custom form through Practice Admin via the Bookings table or a custom forms automation rule, we will attach a PDF copy of the submitted form to the patient's file in your PMS.
For Best Practice, we attach the submitted form PDF to the Correspondence In section of the patient file in Best Practice.
For Pracsoft/ Medical Director, the PDF is stored under the Correspondence tab of the patient file in MedicalDirector Clinical (the same place we store your submitted New Patient Forms).
For ZedMed, the submitted form is stored as an HTML document in the 'Documents' section of the patient file or under Clinical Records > Results > Results Inbox.
Do these forms integrate into MedAdvisor?
No, at this stage Custom Forms is a non-integrated product.
We will look into integrating this into MedAdvisor, by way of attaching it as a PDF to the patient record, in our future improvements to this product.
How does Healthengine store and protect patient data that is collected in a Custom Patient Form?
In accordance with Healthengine security policies, forms submitted by patients are deleted 14 days after either the appointment date or the submission date, whichever is later.
We also encrypt all the data the patient provides to ensure their information is secure and safe.