Waitlist - The Patient Experience Follow

This article details the process you go through to add themselves and respond to your waitlist requests. If you would like access to the Waitlist Feature and cannot see it under the Bookings section in Practice Admin, please contact your CSM to discuss activating it.



Setting up Patient's access to the Waitlist (Required for patients to access the waitlist)

In order for patient's to be able to access your waitlist, the patient access preference needs to be switched on. The default setting is OFF when this product is first activated, meaning patients can't autonomously add themselves to the Waitlist without your practice first enabling this setting.

When the setting is ON, there are various Waitlist entry points that can be found on your Healthengine Profile and within your Practice's booking form that encourage a patient to add themselves to a Waitlist slot if no suitable time is available.

To activate this setting:

  • Within Practice Admin, go to Bookings > Waitlist > Preferences
  • Under the Patient Access section, turn the toggle ON to allow patients to add themselves or OFF to stop them from adding themselves


Accessing the Waitlist

When the patient access preference is turned on, various entry points for a patient to add themselves to the waitlist are added to your Healthengine profile and booking form. 

Patients can see options to join the Waitlist from the following locations:

  • The appointment time selection page in your practice's booking flow when a patient clicks the "See all appointments" button 

  • The appointment time selection page in your practice's booking flow when a patient hasn't selected a time 

  • Your website widget booking page


When a patient clicks on the waitlist button, they are taken to a page that allows them to add their details and submit a waitlist request.


Making a Waitlist request submission

When a patient wants to make a waitlist request, they are taken to a form to complete. The first page contains questions regarding their name and contact details.


The second page contains information about the type of appointment and speciality the patient wants, if they have a preferred practitioner, if they have any additional comments they'd like to leave and what date and times they are available. The patient is also asked if there is a date they'd like to be removed from the waitlist.


Once a patient submits a request, they are told if they are successful, and to be aware they might be contacted regarding an appointment.


Receiving a message to book an appointment

Once an appointment has become available, you have the ability to send a customisable SMS to a patient. The patient will receive an SMS that looks like below, that directs them either to the practice profile or to the booking form.


If as part of the message, a time was set for the appointment, the patient will have that date and time pre-filled as part of their booking and will see the practice policies page first.


If that appointment time and date is still available, the patient can proceed through the booking form as normal and complete a booking, with any additional payment or eligibility steps completed.

If that appointment time and date is no longer available, the patient will be asked to select a new time from a list of available options. They can then proceed through the booking form as normal.


Waitlist from the Healthengine app

Patients can add themselves to the waitlist via your profile on the app or the web, following the exact same process as above.


If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to organise some time to run through this feature, please reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email support@healthengine.com.au

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