What is the best way to process a patient's Medicare Rebate for appointments paid for via Healthengine Payments? Follow

This is a frequently asked question regarding Healthengine Payments. Essentially, Healthengine Payments works the same way as any other payment type, but is very similar in concept to how a cheque might work, since there is a delay between the patient writing the check (or processing their Healthengine payment) and the practice receiving the cheque once its cleared (or Stripe depositing a payout into your nominated bank account).


Note: Healthengine does not complete the Medicare Rebate on your behalf.


There are two ways to deal with Medicare Rebates; Your practice makes the claim, or the patient does.


Your Practice makes the claim

  1. Finalise the receipt and invoice in your practice management software (PMS).
    • We recommend entering the Healthengine's payment in the receipt as Direct Credit/Direct Deposit (Ideally this is a payment type your practice doesn't use for your usual patient processes so that you can easily split out cash, EFTPOS and Healthengine Stripe payments in different payment categories.)
  2. If using postpay: once the appointment and invoicing is completed, you can collect the post payment as normal via Healthengine's Practice Admin Payment modal. If successful, the status should immediately update to show as "PAID". You can now mark this invoice as "PAID" in your PMS.
  3. If using prepay: the appointment fee has already been charged and should match what is in your PMS and the Healthengine status will show as "PAID". You can now mark this invoice as "PAID" in your PMS.
  4. Your Practice can now make an online electronic claim to Medicare the same way your practice normally does for cash or EFTPOS transactions.


If you require additional resources, you can learn more about sending the claim to Medicare with the links below:


The Patient makes the claim

  1. The Patient can claim their Medicare rebate, but requires a copy of the invoice of their receipt from your PMS.
  2. Once they have the invoice, which includes the MBS codes and amount charged, they can submit their own rebate claim online using myGov or the Medicare mobile app using this link: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/medicare-online-account-help-submit-claim
    • For more options, they can use Medicares resources here: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/medicare-claims 
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