Request for access to personal information - FAQs Follow

How do I get access to my information?

1. Once we receive your request, you will receive an email from HealthEngine with some identification questions which we require to collate your information for you.

2. We will send you an SMS with a link to verify your identity with RapidID - An authorised provider for the Australian Government’s Document Verification Service (DVS). RapidID help us make sure we are providing sensitive information only to the correct individual.

3. Once you verify successfully we’ll send you an email with a temporary link to access your information. For security purposes this link will only remain valid for 24 hours.


How long will it take to get access to my information?

There are a number of steps involved in providing access to your information. Depending on how fast you respond and verify, we may be able to provide access to your information in as little as 5 business days.


Why do I need to verify my identity?

HealthEngine may hold sensitive health information about you relating to your medical appointment history. We are required to verify your identity to ensure that we are only providing your sensitive information to you and not providing it to anyone else.


Why do I need to verify my identity with RapidID? Who are RapidID?

HealthEngine uses Rapid ID to confirm that you are who you say you are. Rapid ID is an authorised identity verification service provider for the Australian government's document verification service (DVS).

The DVS is a national online system that allows companies to compare a customer's identifying information with a government record (such as a driver’s license or passport).

HealthEngine does not collect, retain or have access to identity documents supplied to Rapid ID.

For more information on RapidID visit  

For more information on the Australian Government’s DVS service visit


What happens if my ID verification fails?

If your identification fails we will get in touch either to:

1. Request further information


2. Inform you that your verification attempt has failed and we will not be able to provide you with the information you have requested.


What if I don’t want to verify my identity using RapidID?

Using RapidID is the fastest and simplest way to verify your identity. If you wish to verify through other means you can:

1. Visit HealthEngine’s Perth office with 100 points of original ID (Not copies). Please note a prior appointment must be made in advance. Verification is immediate but we will not provide you with access to your information immediately on the day.


2. Mail certified copies of your ID (100 points worth of ID) to our office:

HealthEngine c/o Privacy Officer, Level 2, 432 Murray St, Perth, 6000

or mail to

HealthEngine c/o Privacy Officer, PO Box 7754 Cloisters Square, WA 6850

In order for a copy of your ID to be certified, there are strict legal requirements about:

  • Who is authorised to certify copies of your ID
  • Exactly what steps are involved in correctly certifying a document.


If you intend on sending in certified copies of your ID please read the information on this page carefully:

Once we have verified your identity, we will destroy the certified copies that you sent to us.

If you wish to proceed through either of these alternative methods, please get in touch with us at for more details.


How long will it take to verify with RapidID?

You’ll need to have 100 points of ID on you. It usually takes under 10 minutes to get through the ID process which can be done on your smartphone or a computer equipped with a webcam.


Who has access to the data I give to RapidID when verifying my identity?

RapidID have access to the ID document images which you provide whilst you are going through verification. Once the verification process is complete, RapidID destroy these records.

At no point does HealthEngine collect, retain or have access to your identity documents. HealthEngine receives a report containing your full name. The report indicates whether verification was successful or not. If you fail the verification process, HealthEngine may receive information about why verification failed.


Why is the link to access my information only valid for 24 hours?

For security purposes this link will only remain valid for 24 hours.


Why do I need to provide personal information again to see my information when I have already verified?

After your identity has been verified we will send you a unique link. However to ensure that only you are accessing this information we ask that you go through a simple verification process one last time. This process involves submitting your name, mobile number and a one time verification code which we will send you via SMS.


Once the link expires how can I access my data?

If you are requesting data for the exact same individual you may not need to verify your identity again. Simply email and we may be able send you a new link valid for another 24 hours.


What legal requirements are there for HealthEngine to provide me with the information I have requested?

To understand HealthEngine’s obligations please visit:


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