Reviewing and approving script requests Follow

How do we know when a prescription request has come through?

Healthengine will send you email notifications and/or a PMS notification each time a patient requests a prescription. To add, remove, or update email addresses, head to your Scripts Configuration settings on your Scripts Dashboard.

How do I accept and decline a Script request?

Go to Scripts > Pending scripts.

For each pending request, you will be able to see the patient’s details, the doctor they are requesting a prescription from, and what medication they need. Depending on the patient’s elected delivery option, you will also be able to see where to fax or post their prescription, by hovering over the information icon. Patients can elect to write notes for their doctor to include their ‘Reason for medication’, and any ‘Additional notes’, you’ll be able to see these in the Pending scripts view.  Once the doctor has reviewed all of these details, you can then action a request.

  •  Approving a script request: Scripts > Pending scripts

To approve a prescription request, simply click the “Approve” button. You can now select the doctor who has approved the request via the drop down menu in the approval pop-up, and you have an option to write a quick message to the patient. Any optional comments will be sent to the patient as an SMS. These comments can include advice to make an appointment, instructions for medication, or any other general messages the doctor wishes to pass on to their patient.

When you click ‘send approval’, patients will receive the SMS notifying them that their script is ready.

  •  Declining a script request: Scripts > Pending scripts

To decline a script request, simply click the “Decline” button. You can now select the doctor who has made the decision to not approve the patient’s request. Optional comments are useful here, and it is a good idea to provide the patient with a good reason for them to not receive their Script. Once you click ‘send decline’, an SMS will be sent to the patient to notify them. In these instances, we will always include a link to your Online Booking System and prompt them to book an appointment with a doctor at your practice in order for them to get help with what they need.

Note that Script requests which have not been approved or declined for 7 days will automatically ‘expire’. We’ll refund and notify the patient that their practice has not gotten back to them in time, and advise them to either call or book an appointment.

How do I  process an expired script request?

Script requests which have not been approved or declined for 7 days will automatically ‘expire, and the patient will be notified and refunded. Expired requests will remain in ‘Pending scripts’ until you move them over to ‘Scripts history’. We do this so that you can get in touch with the patient and ensure they receive their medication.

  • Click the “Move to history” button -  modal will pop-up explaining what has happened.
  • Click “Move to history” in the modal - the request is now moved to ‘Scripts history’’ view.

How does the patient know when their script has been submitted?

When a patient has submitted a prescription request online, they will receive an SMS from Healthengine detailing that their request will be reviewed by the number of business days you have specified in your settings, and that they will be notified when their order is ready for pick up, or when it has been posted or faxed. Patients are also informed that they will only be charged if their prescription is approved.

How does the patient know when their script is ready?

When you have approved a prescription request, that patient will get a second SMS to notify them. This SMS instructs the patient to bring a photo ID to your practice or pharmacy when they pick up their script, and will include any messages you have written in the ‘Additional Comments’ section. The SMS also confirms that the patient’s card has been charged, and that they will be emailed a receipt.

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