Adding the Request Script button to your Website Follow

When adding the 'Request Script' button to your practice website, there are two options to add this link. You can either:

  1. Use a link to your own personalised text or image
  2. Use a Healthengine 'Request Script' button.

1. Adding a Link to your Website:

Add the below URL where you want it to appear, but replace "YOUR-PRACTICE-ID" with your practice ID.

To obtain your Practice ID, refer to the number at the end of the web browser URL when you are logged into Practice Admin, e.g. 69328 in the image below.



2. Adding the Healthengine "Request Script" button to your Website:


First, you’ll need to grab your Practice ID which is the number at the end of the web browser URL when you are logged into Practice Admin (see screenshot below for an example).


Then, you will also need to insert two separate pieces of HTML code into the webpage where you want to the button to appear.
One block of code goes into the <head> of the page and the other goes into the <body> where you would like the button to appear, as per the instructions below.

Please Note: If you would like the button to appear on multiple pages on your website, you'll need to add this code into every page.

1. Healthengine Prescriptions. Place the block of code in the <head> of your HTML.

(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = "";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'he-practice-js'));
<!-- Healthengine Prescriptions -->

2. Healthengine Prescriptions. This is the button html. Place this in the <body> where you would like the button to appear.

<div class="he-scripts-btn"

Example -  <div class="he-scripts-btn"

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