How to verify or change your email address Follow

To verify your email address

To verify your email address, please follow the below steps:

1. Go to 

2. Log in to your account with your email address and password

3. Upon logging into your account successfully you then click on the profile you wish to update under Account & settings to be taken to a "My Profile" page which covers all of your patient profile information and contact details.



4. If this is your primary profile you will see a button next to the email address that you can click to verify it. This triggers an email to be sent to your email address with a link in it that once clicked will verify your email address.





To change your email address

To change your email address, please follow the below steps:

1. Go to 

2. Log in to your account with your old email address and password

3. Upon logging into your account successfully you then click on the profile you wish to update under Account & settings to be taken to a "My Profile" page which covers all of your patient profile information and contact details.





4. Under "Contact Details" there will be an email address box, if editing the primary account holders profile, within this box there will be a button which says either VERIFIED or UNVERIFIED



5. Click anywhere on this email box and a small pop up box will appear with "Change email address"  


6. Upon entering the new email address, you will then need to click on "Send me link" and a verification email will be sent to that email address for you to confirm and proceed with the changeover to your new email address

Once you have successfully verified the changeover and saved the updated details to your account this will sync and reflect within the app and on the website. If it does not sync immediately on the app, try closing the app and reopening it. 

Should you encounter any issues following the above steps, please email


Please note if you are using the latest version of our app and have created a passcode, you can change your email address in the app on the account screen at any time. Simply click into your profile, and then click the email address to edit it.

Please note that updating your details on Healthengine will not update your patient file at any practices you have booked with in the past. You should also contact your practice directly to ensure that your patient file is up to date as that will ensure any practice powered communication from us is sent to your new contact details. 


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