Healthengine's Recalls: Understanding How It Works with Best Practice Follow

Healthengine integrates with Best Practice to display recalls in the Healthengine Recalls Interface. This system reads from various sections within Best Practice to determine which recalls should be shown, and how they should be categorized.


Where Does Healthengine Read Recalls From?

Healthengine pulls recall information from different areas in Best Practice, both within and outside the patient record:

Within the Patient Record:

  • Investigation Reports
  • Correspondence In
  • Reminders: Accessible via the ‘Reminders’ button next to the patient details, near the 'Actions' button in the top menu.

Outside the Patient Record:

  • Clinical > Reminders: Found in the navigation bar on the home screen.
  • Clinical > Follow up inbox: Also located in the navigation bar on the home screen.

Please Note: Items in the ‘Reminders’ menu within a patient's record will also appear in the ‘Clinical > Reminders’ menu. Similarly, items from the 'Investigation reports' and 'Correspondence In' sections will be visible in the 'Clinical > Follow up inbox'. Although there is some overlap between these items, each will only appear once in the Healthengine system.


Where does Healthengine read the ‘Recall Due’ date from?

The 'Recall Due' date is critical in ensuring timely follow-ups. Healthengine reads this date from different fields in Best Practice, depending on the recall type:

  • Reminder Recalls: The 'Due' date in Best Practice is read as the 'Recall Due' date.
  • Investigation Recalls: The 'Date Checked' is considered the 'Recall Due' date.
  • Correspondence Recalls: The 'Date' is taken as the 'Recall Due' date.

Understanding Recall ‘Urgency’ and ‘Type’


  • Reminder Recalls: There is no urgency field for Healthengine to read, so it will display a dash (-) symbol.
  • Investigation Recalls: The 'Urgency' is read from the 'Action' column in the 'Follow up inbox' menu. This urgency is set when the investigation is created in the patient record under 'Investigation Reports'.


  • Reminder Recalls: The 'Reason' in Best Practice is read as the recall 'Type'.
  • Investigation Recalls: The 'Test name' is read as the recall 'Type'.
  • Correspondence Recalls: The 'Subject' is read as the recall 'Type'.

These fields appear under 'Report name' in the 'Follow up inbox' and under 'Action' in the 'Reminders' menu.


What does Healthengine consider a ‘closed’ recall?

A recall is considered closed and will not appear in Healthengine if it is marked as 'Given', 'Contacted', or 'Performed' in Best Practice. Other reasons include the patient being marked as 'Inactive' or 'Deceased' in their record, or if the recall has been deleted.


Adding Notes in Best Practice

When a recall is processed through Healthengine Recalls, notes are automatically added to the patient’s record in Best Practice. The location of these notes depends on the type of recall:

  • Past Visits (Non-visit Entries):

    • Notes are added as 'Non visit' entries in the Past Visits section. Make sure the 'Hide non visits' checkbox is unchecked to view these records.

    • Right-click on a 'Non visit' entry and select 'View' to see the record content.


Please Note: You will need to have the 'Hide non visits' checkbox UNCHECKED in order to view these records.

When right-clicking on one of the 'Non visit' entries, choose 'View' from the drop down menu to see the record content. An example of this can be seen below:




Please Note: All notes added by Healthengine Recalls are prepended with 'HE' to distinguish them from notes created directly in Best Practice. Also, because Healthengine is a third-party user of Best Practice, multiple note entries may appear for the same patient due to each step in the recall process being recorded separately.

If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to book in a Recalls training session, reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email

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