Uninstalling the Healthengine Appointment Connector from your Server Follow

  • Have you recently changed servers?
  • Are you experiencing technical difficulties on your server and need to move the appointment connector to another computer?
  • Are you no longer wanting to integrate the appointments from your appointment book to Healthengine?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the first thing that you will need to do is uninstall the Healthengine Appointment Connector from your practice server.

Uninstalling the Healthengine Appointment Connector is a quick and easy process that can be done in under 10-minutes!


How to Uninstall the Appointment Connector

To uninstall the Healthengine Appointment Connector, please follow the below step-by-step instructions:

  • Login to the old server
  • Go to the Start Menu
  • Open the (C:) drive on My Computer

Next, open 'Program Files (x86)'

Select 'Healthengine Appointment Connector'

Right-click on 'Uninstall' > Click ‘Run as Administrator’


Follow the prompts:

“Do you want to keep the existing configuration?” Select ‘No’


This section will load the uninstall and present the message Uninstall was complete successfully - Press ‘Close’

The uninstallation of the Appointment Connector is now complete!


If you experience any issues or need assistance with making changes, reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, chat or email support@healthengine.com.au

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