Enabling your Appointment Reminder Status to Show in Your Appointment Book for Reminders Plus Follow

If you have Reminders Plus and wish to see the status of your appointment reminders in your appointment book, you can do so by changing some of the settings in your Practice Management Software. 

Please Note: This functionality is eligible for Reminders Plus only and is only possible for practices using Best Practice, PracSoft and Dental4Windows.


Best Practice

  1. Go to 'Setup' > 'Configuration' > 'Appointments'. 
  2. Ensure the "Automatically show attendance status on appointment book" option is checked. 


  3. Click 'Save'. 

Attendance is now enabled and will look like the image below in your appointment book. 

Please Note: The sync to PMS consent settings in Reminders Plus will need to be disabled for practices using Best Practice Jade. This is because Best Practice's Jade edition does not allow third-party integrations to access their consent settings, regardless of whether or not they are official partners with Best Practice.


For PracSoft, there is no extra set up required. It will look like this in the appointment book:




  1. Go to the Dental4Windows appointment book, choose 'Options' and then 'Setup status types...'.


  2. Ensure there are values for 'SMS Sent', 'SMS Reply - Confirmed', and 'SMS Reply - Cancelled' in the list that appears. You may need to add the last two options using the 'New' button. 


  3. Points to note:
    1. Alternatives for 'SMS Reply - Cancelled' must contain the words 'SMS' and either 'Cancel' or 'Decline' to work. 
    2. If the 'SMS Reply - Confirmed' value does not exist, the system will fall back to using the 'C - Confirmed' value by default. 
    3. If the 'SMS Reply - Cancelled' value or its alternatives don't exist, the system will fall back to using the 'UTA - Unable To Attend' value by default. 
    4. If one of the values does not exist and the fall backs have also failed to be found, reminder information will not be uploaded to HealthEngine. 

Attendance is now enabled and will look like the image below in your appointment book. 



Ensure that the PMS status for that appointment is set to Booked , and not patient arrived, patient waiting or patient in consult(different terms might appear for different PMS). This is because the Reminders logic only sends reminders for appointments with the Booked status, to prevent sending reminders to patients who are already at your practice.


If you experience any issues or need assistance with making changes, reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, chat or email support@healthengine.com.au

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