Healthengine's Integration with Nookal: Troubleshooting Follow

This article will go over the most common problems we see with Nookal, and how you can attempt to troubleshoot them.



Linked PMS Appointment Types

Our integration with Nookal requires that all the appointment types you have listed on Healthengine are linked to an appointment type in your Nookal software (known as Services).

  • If you have a Healthengine appointment type created that is not linked to a Nookal service, the booking will fail.
  • If your Healthengine appointment types are incorrectly linked to the wrong Nookal service, it can cause bookings to enter incorrectly into your appointment diary. 

To link a Nookal service to a Healthengine appointment type, first navigate to Practice Admin then select Appointments Setup -> Appointment Types.

Once you are in here, you will need to select the relevant practitioner you are wanting to link up the services for. This is done in the top right corner under 'View appointment types for...' - simply click into this drop down and select the relevant practitioner.


Once you have selected your practitioner, you'll see their list of appointment types. The Healthengine appointment types will appear under the 'Name' column, and your Nookal services will show under 'Linked PMS appt. type' once set. 


You also need to ensure that the appointment type length in Healthengine matches the length of the Nookal service you are linking it to. In Nookal, this is known as duration.



Adding a Linked PMS Appointment Type to a New Healthengine Appointment Type

If you are going through and creating new appointment types for a practitioner on Healthengine, you'll need to link the relevant Nookal service at the time of creation. We recommend having these ready to go prior to starting your Healthengine setup. 

To link a Nookal service to a new Healthengine appointment type, click the 'Create new type +' button in the top right corner. Fill out the first three fields as you normally would (specialty, name patient type & length), and the last step is where you can configure your Nookal service. 

Please Note: This is a required field for the Nookal integration. You will not be able to save your new Healthengine appointment type until this has been set. 


Editing a Linked PMS Appointment Type on an Existing Healthengine Appointment Type

If you are wanting to change the Linked PMS Appointment Type of an existing Healthengine appointment type, follow the same process above to get to the practitioner's appointment types you wish to edit. 

Once in here, you will see a list of their Healthengine appointment types. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the row on the appointment type you wish to edit. Select 'Edit linked PMS appt. type', which will then bring up a drop down containing your Nookal services.


My Nookal Services are not Showing up in the Linked PMS Appointment Drop Down

If you don't see your Nookal services listed in the drop down you will need to do a refresh of your appointment types - you can do this using the 'Refresh appointment types' button, which is on each practitioners appointment type page, and will sit below your appointment types list. 


I have Multiple Locations but I'm Only Picking up the Appointment Books for One Location

Each location you want on Healthengine needs to be ticked when creating the Healthengine API key in Nookal. To check if a location is ticked or not, go to the API keys area in Nookal and ensure the locations are ticked.

If you use each different location on a different API key, this will actually give you greater control over your availability on Healthengine as you will be able to connect and change appointment books in your Healthengine portal yourself at any time. Just ensure that you have given us the API key for each location you want online. 



If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to organise some time to run through this integration, please reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email

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