Healthengine's Integration with Coreplus: Troubleshooting Follow

If you are having trouble publishing availability using Coreplus there are three areas in Coreplus to look at.



Is the Practitioner Enabled to Publish Online?

If you have added a new practitioner since first being set up, it may be that that practitioner hasn't been enabled to publish online. In Coreplus, go to Setup > Settings > Practice Profile > User Profile.

Use the drop-down box to select each practitioner who wants to publish appointments on Healthengine, and make sure the 'Publish' checkbox is checked. You need to click save for each one.

Please Note: It's also important that the practitioner has their specialty checkbox ticked under specialties. 


Is the Practitioners Schedule Enabled to Publish on Healthengine?

The other setting you want to look at is in the practitioner's Coreplus schedule.

Go to Calendar > Availability Schedule (left column) > View Schedule. For every schedule that each practitioner has, make sure the Publish to > 'Healthengine' checkbox is ticked if they want it to be published. In order to edit an existing schedule, your calendar must be in Day View not Week View, and you must be on a date where the schedule is active. 


Ensure the Practitioner is Assigned to the Location that is Enabled

In the schedule it is also important that a location is selected for us to publish your availability. Each Coreplus location can only be linked to one Healthengine location, so ensure you are using the location currently configured for your integration.

Following the same steps as above, check what location this practitioner is setup for by looking under their schedule Calendar > Availability Schedule (left column) > View Schedule, and take note of what is listed under 'Location'.


Then go into Setup > Settings > Site Groups


Click on the location you took note of above and check that the user you looked up is in there. The example below shows when this is not setup correctly, to amend, simply drag and drop the practitioner across and hit save.


I Deleted, or Haven't yet Created an API Key, How do I Get One to Send to Healthengine?

What connects your Coreplus to Healthengine is the API key that would have been generated to complete your installation. If you have accidentally deleted this, it will sever the connection to Healthengine and you will no longer be receiving your bookings.

To create a new API key, go to Setup > Add Ons > Healthengine. There should be an Access Token there, if not there should be a button to generate one. Check the expiry date is valid, if not you can click the button to generate a new one. Copy the Access Token and send this to Healthengine's Support Team so that we can link your Healthengine profile back to your Coreplus!

If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to organise some time to set up this integration, please reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email



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