Healthengine's Oasis/Exact Integration: Benefits & Troubleshooting Follow

Healthengine's integration with Henry Schein 1, whether you use Oasis or Exact, offers a seamless connection via API. This means no additional software installation is required, and there's no need access server computers, minimizing hardware or server-related issues.

Once set up, the integration will automatically publish your practice’s availability based on your system’s online booking setup and insert booked appointments directly into your practice diary, simplifying your booking process and saving time for your administrative team!


Benefits of the Integration for Your Practice

  • We connect to your SOE software via API, meaning we do not require access to any server computers, and there is no software to install. This eliminates issues that can arise from hardware or server connections.
  • The integration will automatically read and publish your availability and insert booked appointments into your Exact/Oasis diary.


How Does it Work?

Exact Software Integration

When integrating with Exact, Healthengine uses the availability already set in your Exact Web setup for online bookings. You manage your availability in the same way through Exact, and Healthengine publishes this availability on its platform.

  • Booking Reasons and Default Reason: One of your Exact Online Booking Reasons will serve as the default reason on Healthengine, which allows the system to recognize practitioner availability. To ensure all availability is captured correctly, this Booking Reason must be at least 30 minutes long. It’s important that this Booking Reason applies to all practitioner types you want to publish online, such as dentists, oral health therapists (OHTs), and hygienists.

Please Note: If you’ve created a Healthengine-specific Booking Reason, Healthengine will use that as the default. Otherwise, it will select the first Booking Reason from your list. You can also assign a specific Booking Reason for Healthengine to use.

  • Matching Appointment Types and Lengths: In the Healthengine portal, you’ll need to link the Healthengine appointment types to those set in Exact Web Setup, making sure that the appointment lengths also match. If they don’t, the booking may fail. Keep these updated and linked to ensure smooth functionality.

  • Adding Bookings to the Exact Diary: Once a patient selects an appointment type online, the integration will automatically insert the booking into your Exact diary, allocating the appropriate length based on your setup.

Oasis Software Integration

With Oasis, Healthengine syncs the availability from your Oasis Online Setup, reflecting the same availability shown in your practice's system. You can manage this availability directly in the Online Setup page of Oasis, and Healthengine will read it accordingly.


  • Practitioner Setup: To use the integration, you need to specify which practitioners are enabled for online bookings and define their appointment lengths. Healthengine will read the appointment length from the ‘New Patient’ column in Oasis as the default appointment length. The availability is picked up based on the first appointment type listed in your Oasis 'Default Reasons for Visit'.


  • Matching Appointment Types and Lengths: You’ll need to link your Healthengine appointment types to those in the Oasis ‘Default Reasons for Visit’ list. Ensure the lengths match what is set in your Oasis Online Setup; otherwise, the booking will fail.

    Top Tip: For easy setup, make sure that the appointment type names you set up in Healthengine exactly match those listed under Oasis -> Wizards -> Online Setup -> Online Details.


  • Adding Bookings to the Oasis Diary: Once a patient selects an appointment type online, the integration will automatically insert the appointment into your Oasis diary with the correct time allocation.

Please Note: Online cancellations are not supported. Patients will need to contact your practice to cancel or reschedule appointments. You can manually remove the cancelled appointment from the D4W diary to make it available for another patient.



Linking Appointment Types and Lengths

To link appointment types and ensure their lengths are correct:

  • In the Healthengine Practice Admin portal, navigate to Appointments Setup -> Appointment Types. Here you can see a list of your practice's appointment types and the associated lengths.
  • For successful integration, each Healthengine appointment type must be linked to a corresponding appointment type (or Booking Reason) in Exact or Oasis, and the length must match. If the lengths do not match, the booking will fail.

Please Note: You'll need to ensure this is done for every practitioner


Missing Booking Reasons or Practitioners

  • If you don’t see your booking reasons in the Linked PMS Appointment dropdown list, use the ‘Refresh Linked PMS Appointment Types’ button in the Appointment Types page for each practitioner in your Healthengine portal. This will refresh your list of linked appointment types from Exact or Oasis.

  • If a practitioner is missing from the Appointment Book list, ensure they are included in the appropriate Booking Reason in Exact or Oasis. 
    • If there is a Healthengine booking reason that has been created for you, simply add your practitioner or hygienist to that booking reason and it should pull their appointment book through to your Healthengine portal.

    • If you do not see a Healthengine booking reason then your integration is using the first booking reason in the list as your default appointment type on Healthengine or we have manually assigned a suitable default for you in the back end. (To pick up your practitioners appointment books.)

Please Note: If you have marketing reasons set up, the integration will be using your marketing booking reason as the default if no Healthengine reason is found.



You will need to add your practitioners to that appointment type, so practices will typically use an 'other' type that can be applicable to all practitioners, or you can create a Healthengine booking reason and add all practitioners to that one so that it can accommodate both your dentists and hygienists. Make sure the Healthengine booking reason is written as shown:


In Oasis, you need a New Patient length set in your Online Booking Setup Wizard. You also need to ensure the practitioner has 'Enable Online' set to Y for us to pick up the appointment books.



Stacking Availability Issues

  • If only some of your appointments are displaying online, it could be due to appointment stacking being disabled. If this feature is not ticked in your Exact or Oasis system, only the first available slot after a break will be published each day. This typically means only two slots will be available for booking—one in the morning and one after lunch. By enabling stacking, all available slots will be displayed.
  • Also, ensure your default Booking Reason is longer than 30 minutes, as shorter reasons may not fit into available slots and will fail to display.



Other Considerations

Appointment Intervals

If all your appointment types have the same length, you can set your system to display appointment availability at that interval. For instance, if all appointments are 30 minutes long, you can show appointment times every 30 minutes.

However, if you have varying appointment lengths, choose an interval that works with all types, such as 10 or 15 minutes, to avoid conflicts.


Further Troubleshooting

Ensure that all changes to practitioner availability or Booking Reasons are correctly reflected in the Healthengine system to avoid issues with bookings. If you have any questions, experience any issues or need assistance with troubleshooting, please reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email

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