Editing your Healthengine Practice Profile is a self-serve feature - this means that whenever you want to change your practice opening hours, profile description or more, you can update all of this from your Practice Admin!
This section gives you a range of editing options to choose from, of which you simply need to click on the relevant section you want to change. To jump to a specific section in this article and see what changes you can make, click on one of the options below:
- Contact Details
- Opening Times
- Description
- Images
- Social Media Links
- Ratings
- Address
- Preferred Providers
- Government Schemes
- Accreditation
- Facilities
- Appointment Pricing
- Payment Methods
- Special Interests & Procedures
To begin making changes to your Healthengine profile, navigate to your Practice Admin and click on 'Practice Profile' as seen below:
Types of changes you can make to your Healthengine Practice Profile
Contact Details
This section allows you to add or update your contact details. Please use the following guidelines for formatting:
- Enter telephone and fax numbers in this format: +618 1234 5678
- Enter 13/1300/1800 (free-call) numbers in this format: 1800 123 456 or 131 126
- Website addresses must begin with: https://
Please Note: If you have a mobile number listed on your profile, you are not able to edit this here - if you'd like to update this, please contact our Healthengine Support Team.
Opening Times
This section allows you to add or update your practice open hours as they appear on your Healthengine profile.
If your practice closes for lunch during the day, you can use the 'Open 2' and 'Close 2' times as needed. Otherwise, you can simply leave them as N/A.
You can also change your open and close times for each weekday if they're different from day to day. Simply click on the green 'Show Weekdays' button for access to separate drop down boxes for each weekday.
This section allows you to customise your practice profile description, as well as your 'Directions and Parking' instructions for patients.
If you haven't created a profile description yet, you'll need to create one by clicking on the 'Create an outstanding profile description' button as seen below:
As mentioned in the above screenshot, our Content Team has created a tool to guide you and your practice through creating a great profile description!
If you already have a profile description and need to make changes, simply click on one of the available boxes and make your changes ensuring you click 'Save' once done.
Please Note: You can also access the description tool in here!
Please Note: Your practice description cannot include phone numbers, web addresses, or any details directing your patient to book outside Healthengine.
You can add, update or delete your profile images, including:
- Practice logo
- Banner image
- Gallery images
To find out more information regarding out profile images guidelines, check out our Help Centre article, Adding and Editing Images in Practice Admin
Please Note: You can also upload links to YouTube videos here! These will be displayed with your Gallery Images.
Social Media Links
This section allows you to add or update social media links for your practice. These links will show in the 'Contact' section at the bottom of your profile.
Enabling ratings on your Healthengine Practice Profile will allow patients to see how existing patients have rated your practice over the last 12 months. You can choose to enable or disable this by clicking the 'Display my rating on Healthengine' button.
This section allows you to update your practice address, including:
- Location/building name
- Suite Number/ Level
- Street Address
- Suburb
Preferred Providers
This section allows you to choose which are your practice's preferred Health Insurance Providers, such as AHM and BUPA.
Government Schemes
This section allows you to display any Government Schemes that your practice may support on your profile, such as DVA or NDIS.
These will display on the profile under the Pricing and Payment section:
This section allows you to select which accreditations your practice has been awarded, such as AGPAL and QIP.
This section allows you to select which facilities are provided by your practice, such as Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, parking, nearby services, etc. This is to give patients an understanding of what to expect when they attend your practice, so please be as accurate as possible in your selections.
Appointment Pricing
This section allows you to add and display the costs of the appointments you offer, and this is also where you can stipulate to patients whether you do Bulk or Private billing, or a mix of the two.
Please Note: You can also add in price notes (E.g. as above advising that a rebate is available), and you can order how you want your appointment type pricing to display.
It will display on the profile under the Pricing and Payment section, and to view a price note, simply over over the little information icon.
Payment Methods
This section allows you to display your accepted payment methods offered by the practice. You have the option here of standard payment methods, however we have also included the option for various payment plan providers.
Please Note: We do strongly encourage our practices to display their pricing and payment information. This ensures transparency and a smooth end-to-end booking process for patients.
Special Interests & Procedures
This section will help provide patients with more information about your practice, and the services that you offer. A maximum number of 15 interests and procedures can be added to each section.
These will display at the bottom of the profile, in the Practice Information/Contact section.
Top Tip: We recommend also adding the interests and procedures you have added to your profile, into your practice description. This can help with visibility.
We encourage our practices to fill out these sections as much as possible. A filled out practice profile can help set you apart and has historically proven to help with profile views converting to bookings.
If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to organise some time to run through these sections, please reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email support@healthengine.com.au.