Patient Appointment Management System - Reviewing your Booking History Follow

The Bookings section is where we keep a record of all your bookings. You can review any upcoming and past appointments, export your bookings list and also print off your daily run sheet.


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How to access your booking history

To access this page, navigate to the 'Bookings' tab and select 'Online bookings'.



Here you will see a summary of your bookings for the month (this will default to the current month).

The total number of bookings is displayed on the screen as shown in the orange box below.

You can also re-order bookings by date of appointment, the date the appointment was booked, first name or last name by using the arrows in each column.



To see a more detailed summary of the booking, click on the row to see the expanded view.

Tip: you can use the arrows to move up and down to see the next booking.



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How to use filters

Filters are a great way to customise the bookings result page before you print your daily run sheet. It will also help with reconciling and reporting for your store.

Select the 'Apply Filters' button.



Below you can see all your filter options. The filter will always default to the current month.



Filter by month



Filter to show your current day bookings

As a default, if you select 'By range' you will automatically get the current days bookings.



Filter by a custom range



Search for a patient

Here, you can quickly search for a patient by their name. This is great for when you have a patient come in or call over the phone wanting to cancel or reschedule their appointment. Just make sure you have the appropriate date range selected before doing a search!

Tip: you can see the patients booking history by searching for the patient under the 'All time' view.



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Advanced Filters

After you have chosen your date range, you may want to narrow down your list even further by the following options:


Booking source

Your web plugin = bookings made on your website.

HealthEngine network = bookings made on the HealthEngine marketplace (only applicable if you have this feature active on your account.

Practice = bookings made by your staff or anyone who has access to Practice Admin.




Practitioners/Consultation Rooms



Booking Status

Tip: Make sure you filter out your cancelled appointments before printing off your run sheet. Alternatively, you can create a follow-up call list by showing only cancelled appointments 



Patient Type



Attendance Types



Once you have applied your filters, select 'Apply filter' at the bottom. Allow a few moments for your filters to be applied to your booking results page.

From there, you can then export your filtered list via CSV or PDF Run Sheet.


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How to export your booking list via CSV

Select the 'Export to CSV' button located in the middle of your booking history page.

This will generate a CSV file that will download straight to your computer. You can find this file again in your downloads folder. 

Tip: Make use of the filter options in Practice Admin before exporting the CSV to reduce the size of the file. Large files may take longer to load or cause an error.



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How to download a Run Sheet

Select the 'Export Run Sheet' button located at the top left of your booking history page.


This will generate a PDF file that will download straight to your computer. You can find this file again in your downloads folder. 


Example Run Sheet:



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