Which question type should I use in New Patient Forms? Follow

When creating custom questions or fields in New Patient Forms, it can be hard to decide which question type would be best to use. Below is a guide to each of the question types available to help you decide.

To learn about a particular question type, click on that question type in the list below. Otherwise, to learn about all of the question types, simply scroll down through the article. 


Textbox (short answer)

A textbox is the best choice when you want the patient to provide a short, free-text response to the question. A short answer is usually 1 sentence or shorter in length.

This type of question or field is best used when you are confident that the patient will know how to respond without much guidance and/or where a short and/or descriptive response is needed (e.g. when providing an email address).



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Paragraph (long answer)

A paragraph is the best choice when you want the patient to provide a more in-depth free-text response to the question. A paragraph is usually more than 1 sentence in length.

This type of question or field is best used when you are confident that the patient will know how to respond without much guidance and/or where a longer descriptive response is needed (e.g. when describing family history).


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Radio button (single choice from short list)

Radio buttons are the best choice when you want the patient to choose one option from a short list of options pre-defined by you, rather than having the freedom to input any response as in the textbox or paragraph options.

Radio buttons are helpful when you know the most common or most likely responses and descriptiveness is not required (as in textbox or paragraph responses).

Radio buttons are also a helpful option when patients may need some more guidance or prompting as to how to respond to the question or field; by providing a short list of options to choose from, they can respond with more confidence.

Common examples of questions where radio buttons would be used include:

  • Responding to a yes/no question, such as "Do you currently smoke?"
  • Choosing their preferred contact method out of SMS, Email, or Phone. 


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Drop down (single choice from long list)

A drop down is the best choice when you want the patient to choose one option from a longer list of options pre-defined by you, rather than having the freedom to input any response as in the textbox or paragraph options.

Drop downs are helpful where you know the most common or most likely responses and descriptiveness is not required (as in textbox or paragraph responses).

Drop downs are also a helpful option when patients may need some more guidance or prompting as to how to respond to the question or field; by providing a list of options to choose from, they can respond with more confidence.

Common examples of questions where a drop down list would be used include:

  • Choosing marital status
  • Choosing residential suburb
  • Choosing next of kin relationship. 


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Checkbox (multiple choices from list)

Checkboxes are the best choice when you want the patient to choose one or more options from a list of options pre-defined by you, rather than having the freedom to input any response as in the textbox or paragraph options.

Checkboxes are helpful where you know the most common or most likely responses and descriptiveness is not required (as in textbox or paragraph responses).

Checkboxes are also a helpful option when patients may need some more guidance or prompting as to how to respond to the question or field; by providing a set of options to choose from, they can respond with more confidence.

Common examples of questions where checkboxes would be used include:

  • Choosing from a list of current illnesses
  • Choosing from a list of current medications
  • Any question where multiple selections are possible. 


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If you still aren't sure which option to use for your custom question or field, you can always consult with your friendly Customer Success Manager who would be happy to assist you with any queries. 

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