Block Schedules are a useful feature that can be applied to various scenarios for your store!
Whether it's Public Holidays, lunch breaks, holiday closures or annual leave, Block Schedules allows your store to unpublish available schedules rather than manually unpublishing individual time slots.
Creating a Block Schedule
To create a Block Schedule, simply navigate to the Calendar page via Appointment setup, and select the 'Block schedule' button in the top right corner.
You'll then see the following menu pop-up. We will run over each section below:
Firstly, ensure you have the date set correctly. Note that it will always default to the day you are viewing in the Calendar page. If you are wanting to create a block schedule for in the future, set this as the starting date.
You'll then want to filter the Block Schedule to apply to all or specific specialties by selecting the 'Specialties' drop down and ticking the relevant rooms.
Please note: To apply a Block Schedule to every specialty, simply check the 'All specialties' box!
Choose which rooms you'd like the block to apply to, again checking 'All providers' if you'd like it to apply to each active room.
Select the start and end time that will apply to the Block Schedule - Make sure to select times that cover the start and end time of the currently published schedule. You also have the option of blocking the entire day if you need to.
Please Note: You are able to free-type the times in the 'Starts' and 'Ends' boxes!
Adding a reason to your Block Schedule is completely optional, however this can be useful in letting other staff know why the Block Schedule has been applied.
Select your repeat settings, and the days of the week you'd like the block applied to.
Please Note: To set an end date for the Block Schedule, select 'On' under 'When does it stop repeating?' and enter the desired end date. The Block Schedule will be inclusive of this date, and cease the following day.
Finally, click the 'Block Schedule' button and you've created a Block Schedule!
This Block Schedule will appear as a grey shaded area over your existing schedule.
Editing or Deleting a Block Schedule
To edit your Block Schedule, simply hover over the circle icon in the top right corner of the schedule until it turns into a pencil. Click on this pencil icon and the Block Schedule menu will appear again to make your changes.
Please Note: Make sure to click 'Save' for your changes to be applied!
To delete the Block Schedule, click on the 'Delete' button on the same Block Schedule menu.
Please Note: After a Block Schedule has been deleted, the appointments won't republish themselves - to republish these, check the 'Republish availability affected by this change' box before saving.
This can also be done from the bottom right of the Calendar page, underneath the schedule display box.
You'll then be presented with the below message:
Please Note: If you would like to republish availability for multiple days at once, you'll need to contact our Support Team.
If you experience any issues in creating, editing or deleting your Block Schedules, or would like to book in some time for a training session, please reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email or