Healthengine's Recalls: Understanding How It Works with Zedmed Follow

Healthengine integrates with Zedmed to manage patient recalls efficiently. This guide outlines where Healthengine reads recall information, how it interprets key fields, and where to find audit notes in Zedmed.



Where Does Healthengine Read Recalls From?

Healthengine reads recall information from several locations within Zedmed:

Within the Patient Record:

  • Recalls Section: Found under the 'Reference View' pane.
  • Results Tab: Located under the 'Summary Views' pane.
  • Incoming Documents Tab: Also under the 'Summary Views' pane.

Outside the Patient Record:

  • Management > Reports > Recalls Menu
  • Clinical > Results Inbox Menu

Items appearing in the 'Recalls' section of a patient's record will also be listed in the 'Management > Reports > Recalls' menu. Similarly, items in the 'Results' tab will appear in the 'Clinical > Results Inbox.'

Note: While there may be overlap between the patient file items and searchable items that Healthengine reads, each item will only appear once in the system.


Where does Healthengine read the ‘Recall Due’ date from?


The 'Recall Due' date that Healthengine uses is derived from different fields depending on the type of recall:

  • Recall Type Recalls: The 'Maturity Date' in Zedmed is used as the 'Recall Due' date.
  • Result Type Recalls: The 'Result Collected Date' in Zedmed is interpreted as the 'Recall Due' date.



Understanding Recall 'Urgency' and 'Type

Recall Urgency:

  • Recall Type Recalls: There is no urgency data for Healthengine to interpret, so the 'Urgency' field will display a dash ('-').
  • Result Type Recalls: The urgency is read from the 'Priority' field in the 'Results Inbox.' If the 'Assigned To' field is populated, Healthengine Recalls will display the urgency and the assignee, e.g., "Routine - Assigned to Dr. James Jekyll."

Recall Type:

  • Recall Type Recalls: Healthengine reads the 'Description' field as the recall 'Type.'
  • Result Type Recalls: Healthengine reads the 'Result Description' in the 'Results Inbox' or the 'Document Name' in the 'Results' tab as the recall 'Type.'


What does Healthengine Recalls consider a ‘closed’ recall?

Healthengine considers a recall 'closed' if:

  • The recall is marked as 'Complete' in Zedmed.
  • The patient is marked as 'Inactive' or 'Deceased.'
  • The recall has been deleted.


Adding Notes in Zedmed

When a recall is processed through Healthengine Recalls, audit notes are automatically added to the patient record in Zedmed. These notes are recorded in the 'History View' panel, as shown below:



Important Notes:

  • Audit Feature: The 'Audit' feature must be active for these notes to be visible. You can toggle this feature by clicking the 'Audit' button AuditIcon.png.
  • Refreshing History View: If your recall note is not visible, click 'Search History' next to the 'History View' icon to refresh the display.



All actions completed within the Healthengine Recalls system, including recall status changes and patient verification steps for SMS recalls, will be documented here.

Note: All notes created by Healthengine in Zedmed start with 'HE - ', making it easy to distinguish them from other notes.

If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to book in a Recalls training session, reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email

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