How to use Recalls - Getting Started and Learning the Basics Follow

Getting Started

If you have signed up for our GP Complete or Practice Efficiency Suite subscription, you will have the Healthengine Recalls product. Congratulations on taking the first step in making processing recalls an easy task for you and your practice!

The easiest way to check if Recalls is available for your practice is to login to your Practice Admin portal, and navigate to the Recalls tab. Once in here, you'll see a button that says 'Activate' and you want to click this.  





Once you follow the instructions to activate, you can begin to use the Recalls product.

If you notice that instead of being able to activate the feature, the button here says 'Request Recalls', click this and it will send a request direct to your Customer Success Manager. 

Before you get started, there are a few things you should do to ensure you get the most out of our recalls product:

  • Familiarise yourselves with the terminology used and where we read recalls from in your own software. You can learn about that here, just make sure you select the software relevant to your practice.
  • Print out our marketing resources here to start letting patients know that you are using this service now. 
  • Open the 'Preferences' tab of your Recalls and update your preferences. You can learn about these preferences here.
  • Prepare your templates for both SMS and Letter. Start off with the default templates we have created, or make your own!. You can edit and customise these at any stage. Learn how to do this for SMS and letter templates.

Once you have completed these steps you are ready to begin.


The Basics

To get started in the easiest way possible, firstly go to your Recalls page and select 'Sync Recalls' to get the most up to date data across before you begin. Make sure you are looking at the To Action page. 

In the screenshot above, you can see it was last synced 27 minutes ago. This means if any recalls have been added to your practice management software in the last 27 minutes, or any recalls have been marked as completed or given in your software in the last 27 minutes - that won't yet be reflected in your Recalls product. It's important to sync before you begin so you are not missing out on any recalls or contacting patients unnecessarily. 

You can now get started actioning your recalls by SMS, letter, or call

The recommended way to get started processing your recalls most efficiently is to first use the filters to select the following: your recall reason, communication type as SMS, and booked next appointment - no. 

These filters will bring up any recalls with the recall reason selected, in which the patient has a mobile number available to SMS, and has not already booked an appointment to come in. 

You can then select all the recalls displayed and click SMS to select the template you wish to send or if you have assigned that reason to a recalls category it will automatically send the SMS template associated with that category. 

After those recalls have been actioned by SMS, return to the To Action screen and then select the filters for the same recall reason, and booked next appointment - no. You will then see any remaining recalls with that reason that were not sent an SMS in the previous step because they don't have a mobile number. Select and action these remaining ones by either a call or a letter. 

You would then repeat this process for each of the recall reasons you have. 

Once you have mastered this basic way of actioning your recalls, you can start to use saved filters, templates, preferences, and categories in ways that will make the process even quicker, more personalised, and more efficient for you. 

If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to book in a Recalls training session, reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email

We also have a handy Recalls Training Guide that you can download below:

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