How to Book a Telehealth Appointment on Healthengine? Follow

Telehealth gives you the ability to access healthcare online anywhere, anytime! Healthengine's Telehealth feature gives you the ability to book an online appointment with one of our chosen providers or with your local GP if they offer this.

Booking on our website

When visiting our homepage, you can select the 'GP Telehealth button'. 


Following this, select 'Book Now' under the 'On demand' or 'Scheduled' appointment options. 


Alternatively, you can also select to 'Search for local GPs' which will allow you to book a Telehealth appointment with your regular GP practice if you have had a face-to-face consultation with them in the last 12 months!

After clicking the 'Search for local GPs' button, you'll be able to search for a practice via suburb, practice name or practitioner.


Please Note: When going through the booking form, you will still need to select a Telehealth appointment type, as other appointment types may be offered.

Practices can rename regular appointment types as Telehealth, however these will receive a regular face to face appointment type booking confirmation with directions to the clinic. If you believe you have booked a Telehealth consultation and are confused by your booking confirmation, please contact the practice directly to confirm the method for your consultation. 



Booking on our App

On the Healthengine App you can also search for Telehealth appointments by selecting Find & Book at the bottom of the screen and clicking Telehealth. 


You'll then see the options available to you using our chosen Telehealth providers or searching for a practice via suburb, practice name or practitioner.



Please Note: Specialties, other than GP, may also offer Telehealth appointments, so for different specialties look for the Telehealth flag in the regular search results.

Regarding Video Consults, if you book this appointment type, please be aware of the software requirements to perform the video consult. If your software does not support this, please use a device that does or book a phone consult instead. You can read about those requirements here

If you have any questions that are not answered in this article please reach out to our friendly Customer Support Team via 

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