How to Customise Your New Patient Form Follow

Healthengine's New Patient Forms come with an in-built default form that contains all of the standard information a practice may wish to collect from patient's attending their practice for the first time. 

However, there may be situations where you would like to add your own custom fields or consent statements all of which is available to do in Practice Admin!

Customisation Options

To access the customisation options of Healthengine's New Patient Forms, simply navigate to

Practice Admin > Click on 'Forms' > Select 'New patient' and go to 'Preferences'.


In this section, you'll be able to add custom fields, like additional questions and your own consent disclaimers, to the end of the default New Patient Form.

Please Note: The default fields are not able to be customised as this is the minimum information recommended by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to include in a new patient form. 


Adding a Custom Field 

To add a custom field, scroll down to the 'Custom fields' section and choose which type of field you would like to add (e.g. short answer, long answer, multiple choice, etc.) using the drop down to the right. Then, type out the question or field label to the left.





Next, depending on the type of field you selected, add in the options for patients to respond with (e.g. the multiple choice options).


Otherwise, you can skip to choosing whether to make the field required to fill out  or not using the toggle on the right.

Please Note: This toggle defaults to Optional - you must switch the toggle on to make the field required as seen below.



To add another custom field, click the '+ Add question' button on the left. Then repeat the same process described in the paragraph above. 




Adding a Consent Statement

To add a custom consent statement, scroll down to the 'Consents' section in Form Customisation and click the '+ Add a new consent' button at the bottom of the page. 



Next, click into the 'Type your consent here...' box and type out your consent statement. Then, if patients must agree to that consent statement to submit their form, switch on the 'Required' toggle to the right. Otherwise, you can leave the 'Required' toggle set to off. 



Hiding a Consent Statement

To hide a consent statement from the New Patient Form, simply uncheck the checkbox to the left of that consent statement.



Please Note: The final default consent statement "By ticking this box, I certify that I have completed this form completely and accurately to the best of my knowledge" cannot be removed as this is the legal equivalent of the patient signing the form and is therefore required. 


If you experience any issues or need assistance with making changes, reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, chat or email

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