Article containing frequently asked questions regarding Healthengine's Integrated COVAX solution. You can either scroll down or select from the below questions:
- How can I use HealthEngine’s COVID-19 vaccine solution?
Am I charged for new patients that book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment with my practice?
How will patients know if my clinic offers COVID-19 vaccine appointments?
How do I get my Practice or my vaccine appointments on HealthDirect?
Is an eligibility checker included in the patient booking flow?
Are there any pre-screening questions (separate to eligibility? And what do they cover?
Is the patient consent collected during the booking process?
Will my practice policy be sent or highlighted during the booking flow?
Can Patients book their first and second doses at the same time?
How should I setup my appointment books for HealthEngine's Integrated COVAX Solution?
- Patient Communication
How can I use Healthengine’s COVID-19 vaccine solution?
Healthengine's COVAX solution is available at no extra cost for customers with our Practice Efficiency Suite or Patient Connect product subscriptions. Contact your Customer Success Manager or email to set this up.
Am I charged for new patients that book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment with my practice?
No, there are no new patient fees associated with COVID -19 vaccine bookings.
How will patients know if my clinic offers COVID-19 vaccine appointments?
Practices utilising the COVAX solution will be tagged as offering COVID-19 vaccinations and listed on Healthengine Search and COVID vaccine search pages. These practices can also offer COVID vaccine bookings from their Healthengine profile page and practice website.
Practices will also be searchable on the NHSD’s Vaccine Clinic Finder via HealthDirect.
How do I get my Practice or my vaccine appointments on HealthDirect?
During the application / EOI process with the Dept. of Health you will have most likely listed Healthengine as your Online Booking Provider. If so then the Dept of Health, HealthDirect and Healthengine will work together to ensure your practice and appointments are listed on the NHSD.
If during the EOI process you did not advise the Dept. of Health that Healthengine was your booking provider, we will be pro-actively updating the NHSD with COVAX enabled practices so booking availability will reflect on HealthDirect.
Is an eligibility checker included in the patient booking flow?
When selecting an appointment time for a practice through the Healthengine Network, you will get this pop-up that you must acknowledge before you can proceed with your booking.
An eligibility checker is also available on Healthengine Home page - once completed and patient deemed eligible, they will be taken to the Healthengine COVAX search.
Are there any pre-screening questions separate to eligibility? And what do they cover?
Yes pre screening questions are sent 24hrs prior to the patients appointment. Unless the appointment is booked with less than 24hrs notice, in which case the questions are sent immediately upon booking. See the pre-screening questions below.
Is patient consent collected during the booking process?
No, as per the Department of Health’s guidelines written consent is not required. The Department of Health has advised that verbal consent is sufficient and is obtained by the practice when the patient arrives for their COVID-19 Vaccination.
The patient is required to acknowledge their eligibility for the vaccine on the Healthengine booking form before they can complete their COVID-19 Vaccination online booking. See above.
Will my practice policy be sent or highlighted during the booking flow?
All practices with the Covid-19 Vaccinations specialty added to their listing will have a COVID-19 specific practice policy that will appear on the COVID-19 booking flow:
COVID-19 Vaccinations
COVID-19 Vaccinations are free for all Australian citizens, permanent residents, and most visa-holders as they are covered by the Australian government. Please remember to bring your Medicare card to your appointment or we may not be able to administer your vaccine. For those without a Medicare card, please consult your state/territory Health Department for more information on where to get your vaccination.
If you’re an existing practice with another practice specialty, such as General Practice, all existing practice policies will display on the booking form for both your General Practice and your Covid-19 Vaccination specialties.
Can Patients book their first and second doses at the same time?
As a practice you can choose whether or not to allow second dose bookings. If you choose to allow second dose bookings patient’s will be given the option to book their second dose following the completion of their first dose booking.
In regards to timings for the second dose, patients will only be allowed to book in line with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) guidelines. A patient's ability to book a second dose is dependent on how far in advance practices publish appointment availability and also dependent on the type of vaccine selected.
For AstraZeneca vaccines - the patient will be taken to 12 weeks from the booked first dose appointment.
If you wish to manage the second dose booking yourself, please advise us and we can disable the 2 dose booking flow.
How should I setup my appointment books for Healthengine's Integrated COVAX Solution?
Click here for guided article on how to configure your PMS to best work with our solution.
Patient Communication
COVAX booking confirmation email
COVAX reminder email
COVAX post vaccine appointment information email
This email links out to this page providing second dose prompts and information, resources and contacts on possible side effects.