Patient Appointment Management System - How do I add or change a login? Follow

Looking to add an additional user to your current list of logins, or change your existing login?



Adding a new login 

Just follow the below simple steps, and your new user will be set up and ready to go in no time!


1. Log into your portal under an existing user and go to the Settings tab

2. Select 'Logins & Permissions'


3. Add the new email address

4. Click 'Send invite'


5. Tick the 'Edit Users' permissions for the new user if you would like them to be able to create additional users. You can disregard the 'Edit Profile' tick box as HealthEngine profiles are not part of the Commonwealth Booking Platform. 


6. Go to the mailbox of the new email address and click the link provided in the Practice Admin invite to create a new password. Important: This password link will only be valid for 24-hours.

Note: Your username is your email address.

7. If the new user is unable to set a password through the provided link within the 24-hour window, they can just go to and press the 'Forgot your password?' link to enter the new user's email address and send a reset password link to their mailbox.

You can also send them a reset password link from your portal, by clicking the refresh icon below Actions. 



Note: If you have multiple locations and you would like the new user to have access to all your locations, you must follow these steps for each location.


Changing an existing login 


To change an existing login, follow the steps above to add your new login, once that is done, log in to your portal using the new login, and go back to the logins & permissions setting.

You will now be able to press the trash can next to the old email login to remove it.



Not receiving the log in invite?

If you have added another login but are not receiving the email to set the password please check the following:

  • Did you enter the email correctly?
  • Have you checked your other email folders such as spam, junk, social, promotions, etc?
  • Is that email address already being used for an existing HealthEngine practice login email address? If so, you will not receive an email to set up your password as a password will already exist. Simply login using your existing password for that login and you will be able to switch between practice locations using a drop down in the top right of your portal. * If you can no longer remember the password for this login, you can use the forgot password tool on the login page or you can also send them a reset password link from your portal, by clicking the refresh icon below Actions. 



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