Patient Appointment Management System - How do I make a booking in Calendar? Follow

In this article, we will show you how to create a booking for walk-in patients or patients who call over the phone with a few scenarios. 


Navigating to the booking section in Calendar

To create a booking for a patient in-store/ over the phone, simply navigate to the 'Settings' tab in your Practice Admin portal and select 'Manage availability' to bring up your Calendar view.



Navigate to the day you wish to book the patient in for and click anywhere in the schedule to bring up the available slots. 



Click the Calendar icon next to the time where you want to make the booking.



This will open up the booking form for you to make a booking for a patient (this is the same booking flow the patient will see if they are booking online for themselves).



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Scenario 1: Make a booking for a single patient

Select 'Myself' as you are booking on behalf of the patient.



Select whether the patient has been to the practice before. 



Next, select whether the patient needs the first dose or a second does appointment.



You can also check if the patient is eligible by clicking the link below which will take you to the government website.




Capture the patient's details in the form as shown and click 'Continue'.

*** mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.



The final step is to add the patient's Medicare card details. 

If the patient doesn't have a Medicare card, select the 'I do not have a Medicare card' box and click 'Book appointment' to finalise the booking. 



If you had chosen, to create a booking for the first dose, you will be prompted to start the booking for the second dose.

If you don't require a second dose booking, simply exit out of the booking flow.



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Scenario 2: How to make a booking for someone who is booking on behalf of somebody else

Some examples you may come across:

  • A parent making a booking for their child
  • A caregiver who needs to make a booking for their dependant
  • A person making a booking for a friend or family member who may have difficulties booking online or if they don't have either a mobile phone or email address to complete the booking

In the booking form, select 'Someone else'



Select whether they are new or existing to the practice and if they need the first or second dose appointment type.



As the person you are booking an appointment for is booking on behalf of someone they know, you can choose what type of communication they need.


Me = appointment communications will ONLY go to the person making the booking with you

Patient = appointment communications will ONLY go to the patient which the booking is for

Both = appointment communications will go to both people

*** If the mobile and email address being used are the same, it is recommended you leave it on the default option selected 'Patient'.




About you = fill in the details of the person who is booking on behalf of the patient

About the patient = fill in the details of the patient who will be attending the appointment



The final step is to add the patient's Medicare card details. 

If the patient doesn't have a Medicare card, select the 'I do not have a Medicare card' box and click 'Book appointment' to finalise the booking. 



If you had chosen, to create a booking for the first dose, you will be prompted to start the booking for the second dose.

If you don't require a second dose booking, simply exit out of the booking flow.



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How to add multiple bookings to the same appointment time slot

Sometimes you may need to add more than one booking to the same time slot e.g a family or group booking.

You will be able to access this feature once the first booking has been made, or if there is already an existing booking in the time slot you want to use.


TIP: If the patient's appointment time has not passed, you can use this as a way to update patient booking details if they contact you to advise they have made an error or need to update their contact details. This is useful if they never received reminders for their original booking due to incorrect details and you want to ensure they receive important information and reminders for their first and second dose going forward.

Ensure you cancel the original booking and unpublish the slot, and advise the patient they will receive a new confirmation email.


To do this, go to your calendar and click on your schedule. In this example, I want to add a new booking to an existing booking at 1:00 pm.



In the manage availability pop up, you will see a + icon as an additional option. Once selected, it will open up a new booking form where you will enter in the other customer's details.



If you go back to the schedule and click on the refresh icon, you can see the duplicate slot that has been created at 13:00 in preparation for the additional booking.

Please ensure you are making the additional booking in a timely manner as any delays could potentially cause a double booking to occur.

Essentially, if you are making a booking, don't leave the booking form open and come back to it. And if you don’t require the additional booking or want to come back and finish it later, simply delete the slot by selecting the x to remove.




Once completed, the additional booking will now look like this.



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