How to use Recalls Categories Follow

The Recalls 'Categories' feature allows you to group multiple recall reasons into one ‘category’. An SMS template and a letter template can then be associated with each category, allowing you to skip the step of manually selecting or creating a recall template when sending recalls.

This feature also adds ‘grouping’ whereby, when multiple SMS recalls are being sent to the same patient, any recalls with reasons and/or urgencies linked to the same category will be grouped together and sent as one message rather than sending one for each recall. This is particularly useful where a patient has, for example, multiple blood test results at one time.

Additionally, you can add an automation rule to each category to automate your contact attempts. For example, an automation rule of “2 SMS + 1 Letter” will automatically send an SMS to the patient 14 days before the recall due date (or according to your preferences if you’re not using the defaults), then another SMS 2 days later or according to your preferences, and then it will queue up a letter contact 2 days after that. To learn more about how automation works, click here.


Alternatively, our step-by-step written guide is below:

To set up your Recalls categories, navigate to the ‘Categories’ page within the ‘Recalls’ menu in Practice Admin.

Click the teal “+ Add new category” button at the top right to create your first category. This will bring up a form where you can add the relevant details, including:

  • Category name
  • Associated SMS template
  • Associated Letter template
  • Automation rule (optional)
  • Linked urgencies
  • Linked recall reasons.

The category name should be related to the recall reasons and/or urgencies you plan to add to the category. For example, if you want to add the “Non-urgent” urgency, you could call the category “Non-urgent results”, as this category would apply to any recalls with the “Non-urgent” urgency. As another example, if you want to have a category for all of your clinical reminders, you could add the “(no urgency)” urgency and title the category “Clinical reminders”.

You can change the name of the category at any time, so don’t worry about it too much if you’re not sure what to call it yet.

Next, add an associated SMS and letter template. These should be relevant to the recall reasons and/or urgencies you plan to add. If you are having trouble finding the template you want, you can start typing the name of what you’re looking for into the box to narrow down the list.

The templates on a category will automatically be used for any future recalls sent with the recall reasons and/or urgencies in that category.

You may wish to come back to this step later once you’ve decided what categories you want and make relevant SMS and letter templates accordingly. Note that a category will not work without an SMS and letter template, so don’t forget to come back and do this at some stage if you don’t do it now.


The next step is to add your recall reason(s) and/or urgencies. As an example, you may want to create one category for all results and another for all clinical reminders. If so, you could add all urgencies except the “(no urgency)” urgency to the results category and only the “(no urgency)” urgency to the clinical reminders category. However, if you want to break it down more specific than that - say, to have a category for Over 75 Health Assessments, specifically - then you can achieve this using a combination of reasons and urgencies. Note though that this can become complex, as described in this related article. Please refer to the linked article just above if you get stuck, or reach out to our friendly Support Team. 

Finally, you can add an automation rule if you choose - but this is optional. To learn more about automation and how it works, please refer to this related article.


Once you’ve finished creating your categories, don’t forget to click the “Save all changes” button to keep your changes.


To change your categories, simply click the “Edit category” button on each one you wish to change.


To delete a category, click on the “Edit category” button and then the “Delete category” button that appears.

For any recalls with reasons and/or urgencies that are not assigned to a category, you will still need to manually choose the recall template or manually create the recall message for those recalls at the time of sending. However, recalls with reasons and/or urgencies that are assigned to a category will still automatically select the template linked to the category.

If you experience any issues, need assistance with making changes, or would like to book in a Recalls training session, reach out to our friendly Healthengine Support Team via phone, live chat or email

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